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Наш план - Телеграм Будем чаще приносить пользу этому сообщес | T-English digest

Наш план - Телеграм

Будем чаще приносить пользу этому сообществу

Кстати, о планах, будущем и вашем мнении: 4 фразы, которые легко запомнить и невозможно забыть

It’s just/right around the corner (something will happen soon)

The deadline is right around the corner. No time for changes

It’s a sign/taste of things to come (something happens that indicates how things will be in the future)

The first conflict with him was just a taste of things to come

I’ll get around to it (you will do something in the future; usually used for activities that aren’t urgent)

I still haven’t got around to fixing that minor bug

Time will tell (the situation is currently uncertain, but in the future it will become clear)

Will you use these phrases? Time will tell