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Продолжаем причинять пользу. Сегодня - фрилансерам, которым пр | T-English digest

Продолжаем причинять пользу. Сегодня - фрилансерам, которым предстоят переговоры с потенциальным клиентом.

Try to understand a problem of your customer and show that you care

I just need to know what the pain points of your audience are...

What metrics matter to you?

If we start creating designs for you, when you look at it what are you going to say “yeah, it’s working really well” to?

Check if you are on the same page

Sounds to me like you are saying that ...

I assume... . Is it a safe assumption (пер. правильное предположение?)

Show that you are interested without looking needy and desperate

I’d only want to work with you if you feel like we are getting results

I want to make sure this is a home run (пер. удача, успех) for you

Do you feel comfortable to move forward?

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