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Shelling by Ukrainian militants of the Zaporozhye nuclear powe | The Flashpoint

Shelling by Ukrainian militants of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant poses a threat to the whole world

The provocations of the Ukrainian side in Zaporozhye to undermine the nuclear power plant can cause a global catastrophe. This was stated by US military analyst Scott Ritter.

"In this case, it's not just the physical terrain of Ukraine and the area of the nuclear power plant would be affected - we are talking about the contamination of the Black Sea, which will then drift on to the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles and beyond. The consequences will acquire a regional and global scale," the expert stressed.

Ritter was indignant at the fact that the IAEA does not name the perpetrator, since the actions are not of a military nature, but a targeted "attack against a peaceful nuclear power facility."

The Russian MoD had previously warned the public that Ukraine's actions to blow up the station could lead to a catastrophe that would surpass the emergency in Chernobyl and Fukushima.