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Discovery 🌍

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Логотип телеграм канала @tg_discovery — Discovery 🌍
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Категории: Познавательное , Картинки и фото
Язык: Русский
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The legendary Discovery Telegram channel!
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Последние сообщения 112

2021-10-14 19:31:18
This ridiculous monkey is only found in one place on Earth

Nose Monkey (Kahau) is a rare member of the family only found in the wild on the Kalimantan Island (Borneo), located between Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
1.6K views16:31
2021-10-14 18:31:03
Killer drones blow up the target's brain in 0.2 seconds!

That's the future that has already arrived - Technology Review.

- Neural Net which is out of control.

- Virtual reality in fully immersive porn.

- Killer robots on remote control.

Cyberpunk we all deserved - @technology_tg
1.2K views15:31
2021-10-13 20:15:04
The Incredible "Red River"

The Rio Tinto River is located in Spain. It is also called "dead". Due to the high concentration of heavy metals and high acidity, the river water literally kills all life.
1.8K views17:15
2021-10-12 19:31:00
Geckos eat not just crickets and flies

They enjoy eating sweets in captivity and often overeat them.
2.3K views16:31
2021-10-11 19:04:04
The Pig & Squid, what is it?

This unusual cephalopod mollusk is still poorly studied. Its body is fully transparent, that one can even see its internal organs.

Its body length does not exceed 10 cm. You can encounter such a positive creature in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, at a depth of more than 100 meters.
3.0K views16:04
2021-10-10 20:02:45
Manatee: 500 kg of cuteness and safety

"Sea cows" inhabit the freshwater reservoirs of both the Americas and equatorial Africa.

Their speed is only 5 miles per hour.
3.5K views17:02
2021-10-09 19:01:25
Space-colored python
1.1K views16:01
2021-10-09 17:52:04
Does Elon Musk plan to buy a new cryptocurrency?

In February 2021, Tesla bought $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin, sparking an unprecedented rise in the coin.

This September, Musk hinted that his company would invest in a new development now

Read the details to "ride a wave" — @insider_crypto
1.2K views14:52
2021-10-08 19:11:03
A typical day in Banff National Park, Canada.
1.2K views16:11
2021-10-08 18:11:07
Scientists created a giant model of coronavirus!

The channel that explains science in a genuinely interesting way - @mind_tg

Go in and find out what happens if:

- Man falls into lava?

- Spend only 1 nanosecond on the Sun?

- Jump into a pool of alcohol?

Getting stuck can also be useful - @mind_tg
1.2K views15:11