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Для тех, кто питонами балуется Bloomberg открыл интересный тул | Технологический Болт Генона

Для тех, кто питонами балуется Bloomberg открыл интересный тул

Memray is a memory profiler for Python

Notable features:
- Traces every function call so it can accurately represent the call stack, unlike sampling profilers.
- Also handles native calls in C/C++ libraries so the entire call stack is present in the results.
- Blazing fast! Profiling causes minimal slowdown in the application. Tracking native code is somewhat slower, but this can be enabled or disabled on demand.
- It can generate various reports about the collected memory usage data, like flame graphs.
- Works with Python threads.
- Works with native-threads (e.g. C++ threads in native extensions)

Memray can help with the following problems:
- Analyze allocations in applications to help discover the cause of high memory usage.
- Find memory leaks.
- Find hotspots in code which cause a lot of allocations.
Тред, который подглядел в @nocproject