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Dear Applicants! We announce the launch of registration for th | TEAM University

Dear Applicants! We announce the launch of registration for the Hackathon TEAM 2021! #win_your_scholarship

Hackathon TEAM is a 26-hour marathon of creating, producing, and delivering a business/startup idea. Every team consisting of 3-5 people will need to develop a product from scratch within the set time period.

| Winners (each member of the winning teams)of the Hackathon TEAM 2021 will receive Scholarships for studying at TEAM University in the amount of 50%, 30% and 20% respectively.

Conditions for participation in Hackathon TEAM 2021:
Get a Conditional or Unconditional Offer from the TEAM University admissions office by submitting documents to registration.teamuni.uz
Fill out the registration form on the page www.teamuni.uz/team-hackathon

The number of participants is limited to 100 people.

Yashnabad district, st. Temur Malik 146, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

June 29-30, 2021

To get more info about Hackathon TEAM 2021 click here