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Новая вакансия: Head of Sales IT Outsourcing company Компания | Вакансии для Lead разработчиков, аналитиков, дизайнеров

Новая вакансия: Head of Sales IT Outsourcing company

Компания: Sharp Developers
Категории: #ДиректорПоПродажам #МенеджерПоПродажам
Тип занятости: #ПолнаяЗанятость
Фильтры: #Вакансия #TeamLead #Релокация #УдаленнаяРабота
Заработная плата: от 300 000 до 500 000 ₽ (руб/мес)

Sharp developers - we develop software for start-ups and established companies, mostly from the US and Europe specialising in banking, travel, retail, entertainment, industrial, medical, financial and other fields.

At the moment our company is running about 30 projects simultaneously. We build long-lasting partnerships with our clients. The average duration of successful projects is 2 years and more. We are looking for a Head of Sales in order to grow our company.

Our technology stack is extensive - ​​React Native, React, Angular, Node js, .Net Core, DevOps. We use complex cal...

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