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Off we go ⠀ FrontSpot Uzbekistan and GDG Tashkent are launch | Tashkent developers

Off we go

FrontSpot Uzbekistan and GDG Tashkent are launching a series of offline meetings dedicated to engineering culture and development.
FrontSpot Open Day will take place very soon!

July 24, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. (ЕN)

Impact Technology Hub, Bogibuston Street, 186

Our meeting will be opened by Pavel Guzikov (Director, Software Engineering at EPAM) - Leading and Developing expert, speaker, mentor, contributor of EPAM JavaScript Competency Center and FrontSpot Belarus.

We’ll discuss:

React Bad Parts - Sho-Aziz Shorakhimov (Software Engineer at EPAM)

Let's explore the bad parts of React with the front-end developer who used to love it. From simple popular whining at JSX, to something more interesting and rare.

Angular 14 - Aleksey Kulagin (Lead Software Engineer at EPAM)

Why will you fall in love with Strictly Typed Reactive Forms.

I don't love JS - Nazim Turakulov (Project Manager)

Features of prototypal inheritance, property declaration, and serialization that create problems in some scenarios.

After the meet up you will have an interactive discussion with Q&A session, useful gifts for the most active guest and board games!

Registration link

See you at Impact Technology Hub!