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#kaggle #datascience #bioinfo #online #competition Kaggle com | StudyGrants - стажировки| стипендии| летние школы 🌍

#kaggle #datascience #bioinfo #online #competition

Kaggle competition on bioinformatics and data science

It is devoted to analyzing single-cell multi-omics data - quite a hot topic in modern bioinformatics.

The Kaggle platform is famous, and the main idea is "want to learn data science - the best way - participate in Kaggle" because, on Kaggle, people freely share their code, data, and ideas; you can see what others are doing and discuss with them. (Kaggle provides a motivation system for doing that - medals, titles, etc.)

Register free for the competition:

As a complementary webinar on introduction to Kaggle delivered from the team of SBERLOGABIG by Andrew Lukyanenko. It is scheduled for Monday 29 August, 17.00 (Paris Time)

For webinar meeting link and other queries, contact @Alexander_V_C

Channel @llbschool
Forum @letslearnbioinformatics