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Striker Unfiltered

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Логотип телеграм канала @strikerunfiltered — Striker Unfiltered
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Категории: Политика
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 7.82K

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Последние сообщения 2

2023-05-11 04:49:20 A review of over 1,000 federal criminal prosecutions labeled as "terrorism" shows that only 71 have any actual link to "domestic terrorism."

The FBI and Dept of Justice are fabricating these statistics for political reasons. The fraud is so immense that a judge has excoriated the government for it.

962 views01:49
2023-05-11 01:29:58 How specifically is censorship of NJP and TRS not "day to day?" It happens every day. Are there different categories of censorship? Some of which are acceptable, some of which are not? I'm curious what's the other kind (or kinds) of censorship than "day to day?" What are the markers for these categories so we can know which is which? How do we know this is the categorization schedule Musk is working with. Do, please, go on.

1.5K views22:29
2023-05-11 00:55:45 What is the innocent explanation for the pattern of censorship on twitter?

P.s., nobody who represents NJP is sharing hitpieces against you. On telegram there are many shady actors who seek to fan the flames and lower the level of discussion. If Joel doesn't want spergs, drama retards and feds in his comment section, he should close it.

2.3K viewsedited  21:55
2023-05-10 22:54:41 Judging from other developments I'm seeing, I get the sense that Musk is preparing to use Twitter to try and tilt discussion to favor Ron DeSantis' 2024 run. He is days, maybe weeks, away from formally announcing.

The DeSantis campaign it was reported is already paying several conservative Twitter accounts to support RD. They increase their following and artificially make their tweets go viral with botfarms.

Trump's people are doing the same thing.

A large portion of the conversation on right wing Twitter is fake.


2.7K views19:54
2023-05-10 22:44:36 Governor's pardon in Texas still hasn't gone through. Governor Abbott will quietly drop his attempt to pardon Perry as soon as we stop paying attention. This guy could spend 25 years in prison for nothing.

2.8K views19:44
2023-05-10 22:35:58 Ron DeSantis is going to announce his presidential campaign any minute. Amazing how GOP presidential prospects treat visiting Israel as more important than visiting Iowa.

Do not discount DeSantis' potential to at bare minimum hurt Trump badly. He has outraised Trump by a lot, has 100% of conservative media on board and has the support of billionaire "influencers" like Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, etc who are now driving alt con discourse. We could very well get Jeb II, but Trump will not garner the excitement he did in 2016 and information (online and otherwise) is much more controlled.
2.6K viewsedited  19:35
2023-05-10 19:38:53
Volunteers from the North Carolina Supporter Group spent the day cleaning up North Charlotte and representing the NJP
1.4K views16:38
2023-05-10 10:43:10 Anarchists want to abolish police but also attack Daniel Penny for being a "VIGILANTE." What do they want, for people to just be assaulted and killed by psychotic blacks on the subway?
3.4K viewsedited  07:43
2023-05-10 06:46:53 Biggest persecutor of right-wing Catholics is the Pope. Hitching any sort of political movement to this institution is an absurdity.

4.5K viewsedited  03:46
2023-05-10 06:40:44 German government is about to sign an agreement to bring a quarter of a million Kenyans to the country. Probably the most insane thing I've seen the Atlanticist Jewish occupation of Germany do.

Hey, it's ok, it's legal immigration!

10.0K views03:40