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Picture description: A girl lying on the couch. She appears i | State-English

Picture description:

A girl lying on the couch. She appears idle and bored. Her body is relaxed, while her face expresses lack of interest and boredom. The gaze in her eyes is filled with indifference and apathy. The entire scene conveys a sense of idleness and lack of occupation, evoking feelings of emptiness and hopelessness. There are no signs of activity or amusement around the girl, only emptiness and silence.

Useful vocabulary:

Couch - [kaʊtʃ] - диван
Idle - [ˈaɪdəl] - бездействующий
Bored - [bɔːrd] - скучающий
Lack - [læk] - отсутствие
Emptiness - [ˈɛmptinəs] - пустота
Hopelessness - [ˈhoʊpləsnəs] - безысходность