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Последние сообщения 12

2021-02-20 14:38:33 Выкладываю список более чем 250+ активных акселераторов/инкубаторов для стартап фаундеров в Германии который вызвал вчера неожиданный ажиотаж в facebook | Here is a list of over 250+ active accelerator/incubators for startup founders in Germany. In…
281 viewsedited  11:38
2021-02-19 20:12:04 Выкладываю список более чем 250+ активных акселераторов/инкубаторов для стартап фаундеров в Германии который вызвал вчера неожиданный ажиотаж в facebook | Here is a list of over 250+ active accelerator/incubators for startup founders in Germany.

In the list you’ll find:
— their area of interest and key people to reach out to;
— the funding stage and portfolio startups;
— LinkedIn & Crunchbase profiles and their location.

Use this list to:
— Find that accelerator you've been looking for;
— Get funded or Get advice.

Get the List
549 viewsedited  17:12
2021-02-18 12:18:14 Fundraising shall become a regular business process and every founder have to master it. From the VC perspective the product of the company isn’t a product for a fund. The company itself is a product — let's keep it in mind!

Here are 5 tips “How to avoid making critical mistakes while raising money” by Leta Capital.

Russian Version’s
464 viewsedited  09:18
2021-02-15 18:54:33 ​​Startup Grind: Tuesday /w Fort Ross Ventures
February 16, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm (GMT +3)

— Want to know how to get on VC, CVC radar, how to raise money from corporate sharks, get feedback on your pitch deck, and more? We launching a series of firesidechats "Tuesday w/ Venture" to give a shout to those who invest globally. Our all-time favorite host @DenisKalyshkin, Principal at I2BF Global Ventures, and invited speaker Egor Abramov, Principal at Fort Ross Ventures, will discuss why Eastern Europe is a gold mine and how startups can get on the radar of the Fort Ross Ventures.

We are going to cover the following topics:
• Why Eastern Europe is an area of focus for the Fort Ross Ventures?
• How startups can get on the Fort Ross Ventures radar?
• How Fort Ross Ventures benefit from the affiliation with Sberbank?
• Which technologies and industries are in the focus of the Fort Ross Ventures?
• Q/A session

Join the chat or facebook event page to ask your questions before or during the event.
587 views15:54
2021-02-13 12:17:24 Advice from 2021 YC Top Companies
Despite the sad fact Aaron Harris Partner at Y Combinator, left his job after almost 8 years (here is the post he wrote on his blog) YC team made a playlist by their alumni — “We sat down with 2021 YC Top Companies and asked them to share one piece of advice that they have for founders. Hear their insight at“ The companies in the YC Top Companies list are sorted by valuation ($150M+) as of January 2021.

Hear the founders of these companies answer questions, like:
1) What is one thing they learned during their time at YC?
2) What is one piece of advice they have for founders who are starting today?
632 viewsedited  09:17
2021-02-12 18:25:54 Berkley SkyDeck has opened applications for their upcoming acceleration program. Deadline to apply is February 22nd.
Berkeley SkyDeck accepts startups from around the world and offers access to top notch advisors and industry experts.

612 views15:25
2021-02-04 16:31:55 Пришел интересный запрос для стартапов, которые трудятся на благо металлургии и горного дела с первыми продажами или успешными пилотами. Если знаете таких, направляйте контакты и питчдеки мне в DM и да будет с вами сила
911 views13:31
2021-02-03 19:54:56 Jeff Bezos Pitching Amazon.com (1997)
1.1K views16:54
2021-02-03 09:51:48 List of new VC funds below $200M in size for startups raising this year.

#startups #investing #AI
809 views06:51
2021-02-02 10:55:27 За лучшую шутку или мемм про Clubhouse, отдаем 1 инвайт
784 views07:55