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JetBrains выкатил первую экспериментальную версию плагина Kotl | StartAndroid

JetBrains выкатил первую экспериментальную версию плагина Kotlin Notebook plugin для IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. Он дает возможность создавать в проекте документы в которых можно комбинировать разные типы контента

Text: This is the simplest type of output, and it includes printed statements, variable values, or any text-based output from your code. If a cell’s result doesn’t fall under one of the categories below, it will be printed as text via the toString() method.

HTML: Jupyter notebooks can render HTML directly, enabling rich text formatting, the use of tables, or even the embedding of websites.

Image: Static images can be displayed in formats such as PNG, JPEG, and SVG. Results of the BufferedImage type are also supported. All these images can be images from files, generated graphs, or any other visual media.

Rich text: Markdown cells produce rich text HTML output, offering support for lists, font styles, code blocks, and more.

LaTeX: Mathematical formulas and equations can be beautifully rendered using LaTeX, a typesetting system widely used in academia.

Error and traceback: When code contains errors, notebooks display an error message and a traceback, providing insights for debugging.

#intellij #idea
