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Spark in me

Логотип телеграм канала @snakers4 — Spark in me S
Логотип телеграм канала @snakers4 — Spark in me
Адрес канала: @snakers4
Категории: Технологии
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 2.68K
Описание канала:

Lost like tears in rain. DS, ML, a bit of philosophy and math. No bs or ads.

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Последние сообщения 31

2021-04-12 20:19:54 Silero VAD Update

- Added a mini VAD (100k params as opposed to micro with 10k) for 8 kHz and 16 kHz;
- Added adaptive post-processing (no need for thresholds), examples coming soon;
- Micro is also available for 8k and 16k;

475 viewsAlexander, 17:19
2021-04-12 20:19:54 A Streaming Interface for Silero Models EE

have created a gRPC-based streaming interface for our EE models based on silero-vad.

Not sure if we are going to make any of this public, but writing an interface that adds value (as opposed to just having it) is difficult.

Key features:

- Unlike Google we do not rescore full results at the end of utterance / sentence => all results are kind of "final";
- Therefore "early" partial responses are a separate feature (i.e. 2 seconds after the start of utterance);
- Automatic handling of speech that is too long (i.e. 7 seconds or longer) - we have some hacks ensuring we do not cut words in the middle;
- Threading and multiprocessing;
- We had to create fast / efficient versions of silero-vad (10k or 100k params) to be included in the gRPC server;
- The service also proxies VAD responses, which may be useful downstream;

Hopefully, since real people do not speak at the same time, this would increase the hardware utilization efficiency 2x compared to a plain HTTP interface in case of phone calls.

In future we will also be calculating the sizings of our system using the streaming interface, i.e. how many real conversation each given sizing can really handle.

An educated guess - if we can handle 20 queries per second or 10 queries per 500ms with ~40 RTC, I suppose that would mean about 40 conversations.
470 viewsAlexander, 17:19
2021-04-12 07:30:14 A Guide on Making Presentations and Charts


578 viewsAlexander, 04:30
2021-04-10 07:53:09

753 viewsAlexander, 04:53
2021-04-08 10:24:29 Yet Another Sane Blog (RU)

Actually set of blogs / telegram channels / info materials, but whatever:

- https://antonz.ru/

Also an author of now mostly silent @ohmypy

Too much emphasis on human-friendly design and some roots of snake-oil salesmanship (i.e. @dangry), but nevertheless SNR is much better than average.

I myself even dabbled in this a bit, but got quickly disenchanted by frontend development and design.

919 viewsAlexander, 07:24
2021-04-07 15:45:59
Our TTS working on Windows 10 - an example made by the community members
354 viewsAlexander, 12:45
2021-04-07 15:45:59 sentence separation sucks, but it can be improved
397 viewsAlexander, edited  12:45
2021-04-06 17:49:08 The Obsolete Institute of Intellectual Property (RU)

Looks like a decent Russian YouTube channel (lol)

398 viewsAlexander, edited  14:49
2021-04-06 15:44:39 Finally Proper GPU Support in Compose!

It happened finally (some time ago, I just checked now)!

Now this obsolete runtime: nvidia syntax can be replaced with this more versatile syntax:

- driver: nvidia
device_ids: ['0']
capabilities: [gpu]

This together with CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES gives you full control of your GPU environment within compose.


573 viewsAlexander, 12:44