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Digest 2022-02 # Hardware Кратко, но по делу про энергонезав | Spark in me

Digest 2022-02

# Hardware

Кратко, но по делу про энергонезависимую память Intel Optane - https://habr.com/ru/post/648801/
Новый суперкомпьютер от Meta (возможно и самый быстрый) - https://habr.com/ru/company/timeweb/blog/648523/
WHAT IS GOING ON AT INTEL? - https://digitstodollars.com/2022/02/08/what-is-going-on-at-intel/
DEEP TECH IS THE FUTURE - https://digitstodollars.com/2022/02/11/deep-tech-is-the-future/
TEN LESSONS FROM GOOGLE’S TPU - https://digitstodollars.com/2022/02/15/ten-lessons-from-googles-tpu/
Ten Lessons From Three Generations Shaped Google’s TPUv4i - https://www.gwern.net/docs/ai/2021-jouppi.pdf
MY ENEMY’S ENEMY WILL STILL EAT MY LUNCH - https://digitstodollars.com/2022/02/18/my-enemys-enemy-will-still-eat-my-lunch/
WHAT IS INTEL FIGHTING TO ACHIEVE? - https://digitstodollars.com/2022/02/23/what-is-intel-fighting-to-achieve/
MWC 2022 – LIVING VICARIOUSLY - https://digitstodollars.com/2022/03/01/mwc-2022-living-vicariously/
