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A Small New Year Miracle Someone from the chat reposted our | Spark in me

A Small New Year Miracle

Someone from the chat reposted our VAD on HackerNews - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29734797

And it got trending, seems like nothing, only +35, which seems kind of docile, compared even to Habr or Reddit.

But I took a look at Github this morning, and:

+50 stars
+435 views from hackernews
+313 unique visitors


Previously, whenever I posted anything on HN, it either immediately got banned or was shadow banned and got no traction whatsoever (talk about free speech, lol). Now just a repost without any copywriting - just a title and a link gains nonzero traction.

Virtually identical post from me - is just dead (even if it is not directly banned).