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When I was about 13-19 y.o I was EXTREMELY into rock music and | Shirogane-sama

When I was about 13-19 y.o I was EXTREMELY into rock music and everything about rock bands, musicians, instruments etc etc etc

Considering all quizzes on YouTube with absolutely random questions, exactly THIS base of information is TATTOOED somewhere inside of my brain. Because when we play such quizzes with friends, I always answer mostly questions about this kind of stuff And my friends always like “wtf HOW??” I guess I don’t remember my school program of those years as good as all this rock stuff lol

I also remember back then many years ago I was surprised that my friend who was a k-pop fan can name all the members of her fav bands
And at some point when I once again said something like “how can you remember all these names and their age and everything about them?” she was like “girl YOU can literally name all Rammstein members, you know what instruments each of them play, which year they started performing AND SAME WITH MANY OTHER BANDS, what are you asking me about???” And I was like yeah actually true…

Many years later I also kinda joined the k-pop fans squad… and probably 10 years later I’ll also wondering how can I still remember all the names, all the bands, all the songs I’ve ever listened lol mooore random information in my head yeahhhh

Sometimes I would prefer to remember where I left my phone 2 minutes ago I mean it would be much more useful hahahahah