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SHA Deco 🎨🛠🛋

Логотип телеграм канала @sha_deco — SHA Deco 🎨🛠🛋 S
Логотип телеграм канала @sha_deco — SHA Deco 🎨🛠🛋
Адрес канала: @sha_deco
Категории: Познавательное
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 1.99K
Описание канала:

SHA Deco is the channel to encourage You to create amazing design in Your own home. Get some fresh modern ideas, You're welcome to my inspirational space. 🌌
Owner: @shrimpchik_original

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Последние сообщения 26

2021-11-16 20:50:00
Here they are!!! Thanks much for your support guys

Focal point
A focal point
should be visible in each area: a fascinating or beautiful item—such as a piece of art, fireplace, or lovely sofa—that attracts the attention of visitors. Make sure you don’t go crazy with too many focal points, because it will become overpowering and chaotic

To achieve equilibrium in each room, you must distribute the visual weight of your furnishings and accents. Consider size (big and little), texture (hard and soft), and placement (high, eye-level, low placement, and left and right placement). You may create rooms that seem whole and balanced if you pay attention to small variations in a single area

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714 views17:50
2021-11-16 13:00:02
Have You ever heard of the design principles? - I wanna introduce them to You today!

Before starting the work on Your own design consider these 3! fundamentals:


Interior design styles may be classified by color or material (such as wood, stone, brick), and the overall appearance of interior elements. That's the things on which You have to pay a thorough attention when working on a room that has already been decorated in another style (typically because it was previously painted)

Don't want to make a huge post, so I'd add another one with 2 other principles!
I hope You'd support me with that, give me Your reaction pls
737 views10:00