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Университеты США, которые предоставляют полные гранты иностран | sen senseń

Университеты США, которые предоставляют полные гранты иностранным студентам

6. Brown University
- ...financial aid awards are applied directly to the student account as a credit towards the cost of tuition, fees, room and meals.

7. Bryn Mawr University - The College meets the full demonstrated need for all admitted students and there is a great deal of competition for these funds.

8. Bucknell University - Bucknell offers some resources to support international students who are a) admitted to Bucknell and b) demonstrate financial aid need through an application process.

9. Carleton College - ...we meet 100% of demonstrated need for every student.

10. Claremont McKenna College - CMC has limited financial resources for international students.

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