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Начни учебный год правильно! С 8 по 11 сентября на базе санат | International students of Sechenov university

Начни учебный год правильно!

С 8 по 11 сентября на базе санатория «Звенигород» пройдет Медицинский хакатон обучающихся «SYSE_UP», победители которого получат гранты до ₽ 300 000 на научно-исследовательскую деятельность и развитие проектов.

На протяжении 4 дней насыщенной программы участников хакатона ожидают стратегические сессии, митапы, семинары личностного роста, акселераторы научных инициатив и интенсивы от ведущих ученых и предпринимателей. Участники будут решать кейсы на различные темы: от биоинженерии до клинической медицины. Победители будут приглашены к работе над передовыми проектами университета и получат гранты.

Участниками могут стать студенты Сеченовского университета всех курсов и специальностей программ специалитета, бакалавриата и магистратуры. Для этого необходимо предоставить мотивационное письмо и научное портфолио за последние 2 года.

Требования к мотивационному письму и подробности по мероприятию можно получить на портале университета.

Подать заявку можно до 28 августа. Регистрация по ссылке: https://clck.ru/sbrQ4

Join the Sechenov University Medical hackathon!

From September 8 to 11, 2022, a Medical hackathon of students "SYSE_UP", will be held on the basis of the Zvenigorod sanatorium of Sechenov University.

Any student of Sechenov University of all courses and specialties of the specialty, bachelor's and master's degree programs can become a participant. The language of the event is Russian, but the project session will be presented with cases in English.

Strategic sessions, meetups, project schools, personal growth seminars, master classes and intensive courses from leading scientists and entrepreneurs, accelerators of scientific initiatives and projects are waiting for hackathon participants during four busy days of educational and interactive program.

As part of the hackathon, participants will be able to discuss the key features of the development of Sechenov University, gain experience in communicating with leading scientists and cases of useful skills. An accelerator of scientific initiatives and projects will be held as part of the hackathon.

The best participants will be involved in the work on advanced projects of the university. In addition, a grant fund will be distributed among the winners of the project office! Grants in the amount of up to 300,000 rubles can be used for scientific internships, payment for publications in open access journals, material and technical strengthening of laboratories and scientific projects in which the winners will be involved.

To participate in the hackathon, you must provide: a motivation letter and a scientific portfolio (for the last 2 years: publication activity, patents, certificates, participation in scientific conferences, in educational scientific courses, in the implementation of grant projects, a certificate of completion of the educational course "Scientometrics +", etc.).

The entire list of documents and registration application must be sent strictly by August 28, 2022 at 22.00 Moscow time at the link: https://clck.ru/sbrQ4

Requirements for a motivation letter:

- the maximum volume of a motivation letter is 1 page of A4 text.
- In the motivation letter, specify: surname, first name and surname; institute/ school, specialty (direction of training), course, group; date of birth; phone number; email address
- It is also important to provide answers to the questions: what are your scientific and applied interests in the field of forum topics and what benefits do you hope to get from participating in the hackathon.

See you at the hackathon!