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STEP. Who are we? Who are we doing this for? The world ch | International students of Sechenov university

STEP. Who are we? Who are we doing this for?

The world changes when it's time to go to college.

Many unfamiliar words and concepts enter your life, different paths open before you.

How to understand the huge flow of new information How not to get lost in the rules and requirements of educational institutions of the Russian Federation

There is an answer!

We are a Team that has been working in the admission committee of the top Sechenov University for more than ten years!

We are who you know!! Those who will guide you through this maze, explaining each STEP . Because it seems to us that all pitfalls contain paths and detours.

Why we want to help:

someone has to do it, and we have all the resources and knowledge;
we are for the younger generation, because you are the future of the world;
we ourselves were once in the expected place.

We offer:

everything about the rules of admission;
on the ranking of universities;
about how the environment is with mental stress.

And many many others!

Let's take important STEPS together and you will succeed!