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2022-11-04 23:59:38 It’s always fascinating to me to see excerpts in Latin and Greek in books from mid-20th century with no translation, the expectation clearly being that the reader doesn’t need any. Feels like a ghost of the vanishing connection of Western civilization with its own past.
7 viewsedited  20:59
2022-11-04 23:37:30
7 views20:37
2022-11-01 19:05:30 قال شيخ الإسلام مصطفى صبري رحمه الله تعالى:

" ان الدين والحكومة اذا افترقا، تغلبت الحكومة التي لا تفارق السلطة والسياسة ويفقدهما الدين على الدين، لأنهما اذا افترقا، فالسلطة التي في جانب الحكومة تجعل الدين المفترق عن الحكومة تحت رحمة الحكومة، إن شاءت أكرمته، وإن شاءت أهانته."

من "موقف العقل" بتصرف يسير.
12 views16:05
2022-10-29 00:37:51
Every age elevates some people and humbles others. Everyone criticizes the time they live in, because it destroys everything that was new and ages their children—everything in our time comes to an end, except hope.

—Salama ibn Zayd ibn Nubāta al-Fahmī (Syria, fl 700)

Source: https://twitter.com/classyarabic
21 viewsedited  21:37
2022-10-25 02:41:11
31 views23:41
2022-10-25 02:36:50 #history #circassia #egypt #deen

Shaikh ʿUmar ʿAbdu-Llah Beytūgān (1898 - 1972) was an Azharī scholar of Circassian origin. He entered the university in 1914 and by 1925 had obtained an academic degree equivalent to a doctorate in the area of Hanafī jurisprudence.

Sh. ʿUmar was an active member of the Circassian community in Cairo, assisting students and supporting the creation of a sports club at the university in 1927 (pictured below). In 1932 he participated in the establishment of the local Circassian Fraternity Association.

In 1940 the university sent sh. ʿUmar to Japan in an educational capacity. However, he had to return to Cairo two years later due to the unfolding events of WWII.

Back in Cairo, sh. ʿUmar was later chosen as the head of the sharīʿa department at the newly established Alexandria University, also serving as the vice-dean at the college of jurisprudence of the same establishment.

He authored several books, including the work on Hanafī family law titled Aḥkām al-aḥwāl aš-šaẖṣīya fī-š-šarīʿa al-islāmīya. A scan of the fifth edition of this book, released in 1965 and contained in the libraries of Columbia University, is attached to this post.

Pictured below is the shaikh himself along with some students and teachers of Circassian origin at al-Azhar.
35 viewsedited  23:36
2022-10-20 23:34:57
“Tuareg goatherds drink tea in their desert shelter at Hassi Izernene.”

Thomas J. Abercrombie. 1973.

#art #photography #africa
20 viewsedited  20:34