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2022-02-14 23:10:05
Police have warned the public not to approach an escaped sex offender who poses a "real risk" - as they issued new details about what he may be wearing.

Paul Robson, 56, is serving a life sentence for attempted rape and indecent assault and was reported missing from HMP North Sea Camp in Boston, Lincolnshire, on Sunday.

They described him as slim with a bald head and a long goatee beard.

Police initially believed he was in the Boston area but have now said he could be anywhere in the country.

He put a pillowcase over her head and held a knife to her throat during the Oxford attack.

Robson, who already had a long history of violent sex attacks on women and young girls, was described by a judge as a "menace to females".

He had been in and out of prison for attacks against women and girls as young as eight before he was given the life sentence.
1.8K views20:10
2022-02-12 23:37:22
Police fired tear gas at the protesters.

Police intercept 500 vehicles and hand out 300 tickets

Officers told demonstrators to move on as some climbed on their cars in the middle of the roundabout at the top of the Champs Elysees.

Police in Paris had earlier said they had intercepted at least 500 vehicles attempting to enter the capital in defiance of a police order not to take part in the protests. Police also said nearly 300 penalty tickets had been handed out by mid-morning.

More than 7,000 officers have been mobilised to various checkpoints around the city in preparation for the protests.

The police have also deployed armoured personnel carriers and water cannon trucks.

Police said five protesters had been arrested in southern Paris in possession of sling shots, hammers, knives and gas masks.
1.4K views20:37
2022-02-11 18:58:31
Очередной жуткий случай произошел в сфере здравоохранения Нижегородской области. Работники морга Кстовской ЦРБ заживо похоронили пациентку.

Историю предал огласке сын жительницы города Кстова. Мама Дмитрия Давыдова попала с коронавирусом в местную больницу. Однако улучшений от лечения не было. И тогда мужчина собрал все деньги и принял решение о ее переводе в столичную клинику на частной скорой помощи.

— Мне позвонили сотрудники морга и сообщили, что нужно забрать тело, — рассказал сын пациентки телепрограмме «Кстати». — Я удивился какое тело? Моя мама давно не находилась в вашей больнице….

Спасение животных из пластиковых капканов

К счастью, сотрудники морга похоронили заживо пациентку только по документам. И, по словам Дмитрия Давыдова, ему перезвонили и дико извинялись.

Позднее и руководство Кстовской ЦРБ признало ошибку. По словам главного врача Кстовской ЦРБ Александра Цопова, документы другой умершей женщины и матери мужчины перепутали в приемном отделении.
1.6K views15:58
2022-02-10 23:24:22
Pet are like humans the more you train them the more expert they become. Dogs are one of the best pet people love to rear all over the world
1.6K views20:24
2022-02-10 11:32:53
A tragic accident involving a truck and a passenger car occurred on the afternoon of February 8 on the federal highway M9 "Baltic" in the Tver region.

According to the information of the regional traffic police department, at about 11:50 on the 303rd kilometer of the highway in the Nelidovsky district, the driver of a Hyundai Solaris car, moving from Moscow towards the Pskov region, lost control while overtaking. The passenger car skidded and she crashed into a passing Iveco truck.

- The driver, when overtaking a moving vehicle in front, did not correctly choose a safe speed that provides the possibility of constant control over the movement, as a result of which he lost control , - explained the traffic police in the Tver region.

As a result, a 91-year-old woman, a passenger of Hyundai Solaris, was taken to the Nelidovskaya Central District Hospital. She later died in the hospital.
1.5K views08:32
2022-02-08 14:01:36
This is incredible
1.6K views11:01
2022-02-08 11:35:17
In Russia, a new medicine for COVID-19 appeared - the antiviral drug Esperavir based on molnupiravir of the Russian pharmaceutical company Promomed was registered on February 3 by the Russian Ministry of Health. The relevant data is contained in the state register of medicines, TASS reports . Esperavir is the first anti-covid drug in Russia based on an internationally recognized molecule. Doctors who treat patients with coronavirus on an outpatient basis will be able to replenish their arsenal with them. For the first time in the fight against covid, doctors will have a choice of means for etiotropic therapy - favipiravir or molnupiravir, and they will be able to select therapy for a particular patient, taking into account the person's comorbidities, the company notes.

All stages of clinical testing of the drug have been completed, it has been fully studied as part of a multicenter clinical trial: it has been studied since December 2021 in 16 Russian clinics.
1.6K views08:35
2022-02-08 00:14:15
5 февраля 2022 года на официальном интернет-портале правовой информации было опубликовано постановление Главного государственного санитарного врача Российской Федерации. Оно касается антиковидных мер, установленных в России. В числе прочего ведомство, например, исключило медицинские перчатки из перечня обязательных санэпидусловий в борьбе с COVID-19. 

В изменениях, опубликованных эпидемиологами, упразднен приоритет 1 степени проведения тестирования на коронавирус для лиц, контактировавших с больными коронавирусом, даже если у них есть симптомы ОРВИ (пункт 3.1.1)

Кроме того, выписка и допуск к работе (учебе) после лечения разрешаются без повторного теста на COVID-19, если время лечения составляет 7 и более дней. А выписка из стационара — возможна с положительным тестом, если пациент не проживает в коммунальной квартире или в соцучреждении круглосуточного пребывания (пункт 3.7). 
1.5K views21:14
2022-02-07 13:59:46
French President Emmanuel Macron has said he thinks a deal to avoid full scale war in Ukraine is possible and that it is legitimate for Russia to raise its own security concerns.

Before talks in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, he called for a "new balance" to protect European states and appease Russia.

He restated that the sovereignty of Ukraine was not up for discussion.

Russia has massed troops on Ukraine's border but denies planning to invade.

Moscow has made a string of demands, including that the Nato defence alliance rule out Ukraine becoming a member, and that it reduce its military presence in eastern Europe.

Western countries have rejected this, instead suggesting other areas of negotiation, for example talks on cutting back nuclear weaponry.
1.7K views10:59
2022-02-07 13:39:05 (Latest world news)последние новости мира pinned a photo