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Логотип телеграм канала @russian — Russia | Russian 🇷🇺
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2022-12-31 19:44:37
Happy New Year 2023

4.4K viewsedited  16:44
2022-12-10 10:23:59 ...

The tundra is a unique biome that only exists in or near the Arctic Circle. Here, temperatures are so cold that trees can't grow, and only moss, shrubs, and certain types of grasses can get through the winter. In most places, the tundra is synonymous with permafrost–meaning the ground is permanently frozen. In areas where the top layer of ground does melt during summer, marshes and streams will form over the land, leading to beautiful patches of colorful icy water.
The Russian tundra is home to polar bears, seals, gray wolves, and rich birdlife during nesting season. Over the past few decades, ecotourism has become more and more interested in the tundra areas, especially the Great Arctic State Nature Reserve near Krasnoyarsk Krai, where visitors can take a number of environmental routes to explore, try bird-watching, or visit as part of an educational tour.
The city of Murmansk, in the Kola Peninsula, not only offers incredible tundra views, but it's also a great place to catch a tour to see the Northern Lights.

12.4K viewsedited  07:23
2022-12-10 10:23:45
The Russian Tundra

11.0K viewsedited  07:23
2022-11-13 14:35:01
Believe that there is kindness in the world as every kind act grows the spirit and strengthens the soul of a person. Wish you a very happy World Kindness Day.

Happy world kindness day.

20.5K views11:35
2022-10-31 14:33:31 ...

A summer beach resort town sitting right on the Black Sea, Sochi offers long stretches of pebble and sand beaches, imposing examples of Stalinist architecture, a summer film festival known as Kinotavr, and plenty of spas and outdoor markets to please all budgets and tastes. The longest river in Russia, Mzymta, cuts through Sochi before it empties into the Black Sea, and it's a very popular destination for rafting.
The 3000-square-kilometer Caucasian State Nature Biosphere Reserve, just 50 kilometers from Sochi, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to a number of unique species of flora and fauna, including the endangered Persian leopard.
The nearby Rosa Khutor ski resort is another favorite destination during winter and a world-class alpine skiing area–the 2014 Winter Olympic Games were hosted here.

22.9K views11:33
2022-10-31 14:33:29
Rosa Khutor ski resort

18.7K viewsedited  11:33
2022-10-30 05:26:56 ...

This is the fourth-largest lake-bound island in the world and for a step back in time, Olkhon Island is a wonderful place to visit and stay in Russia. Located about 250 km north-east from Irkutsk, it’s reachable overland or by the sea and here the culture of the local natives is remarkably well-preserved, so you can experience a unique corner of Russia in an authentic way.

This large island is in the middle of Lake Baikal, and its isolated location makes it both uncrowded and naturally breathtaking. If you’ve explored all the sites in metropolitan Russia and you’re looking for more, then this is the place in Russia to head to.

17.6K views02:26
2022-10-30 05:25:51
Olkhon Island
the pearl of Siberia and a true beauty spot

13.8K viewsedited  02:25
2022-10-21 14:06:48 ...

Since most international flights arrive or at least stop in Moscow, it's worth planning your trip so you at least have a few hours to explore the city. Russia's capital is a magnificent mix of greenery, stunning architecture, and lots of historical reminders of times gone by.
Visitors to Moscow usually start exploring in the center, where the KremlinRed Square, and the colorful St. Basil's Cathedral are located. The shopping mall GUM, with its glass and steel roof, is also a popular destination–even for tourists who can't afford the luxury brands sold here–and a great place to try authentic Russian food.
Even if museums are not exactly your thing, Moscow has some amazing options worth visiting, including The State Tretyakov Gallery (which houses only Russian art); the Pushkin Museum (for more international collections); and the Kremlin Armory Museum for a look into some unique items, such as the ivory throne of Ivan the Terrible and gold-covered imperial carriages.
The Bolshoi Theater, one of the largest ballet and opera theaters in the world, is also worth a visit if you can get tickets.
Some of the best things in Moscow require some walking to be properly explored, such as the pedestrian-only shopping street Stary Arbat and the boardwalk along the River Moskva.
Moscow's Metro stations are a work of art in themselves, decorated with porcelain relief, crystal chandeliers, and unique mosaic artworks that make these places basically look like subterranean palaces. Mayakovskaya metro station, with its ceiling mosaics and pink rhodonite columns, and Kiyevskaya station, filled with white marble, frescoes and elaborate artworks, are two of the most stunning ones to visit.

15.9K viewsedited  11:06
2022-10-21 14:06:16
Red Square in Moscow

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