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Return to Office Enters the Desperation Phase - статья про воз | Инжиниринг Данных

Return to Office Enters the Desperation Phase - статья про возвращение сотрудников в офис, напоминает нам о том, что идея удаленной работы не очень хорошо ложится на финасовые показатели больших компаний. Отсюда и движ в сторону загнать всех в офис, а кто не хочет - "давай досвидание".

В Linkedin попался хороший комментарий на эту тему:

This article starts strong with this asinine CEO complaining that zoom calls are too polite and that he is much happier in person where you can interrupt people.

And it’s that kind of pathetic reaching that we hear over and over again when regressive CEOs struggle to justify RTO. But they are liars. Here are three reasons they want you back in the office:

1. Bonuses and EBIT: with long term leases, the cost of an office looks like a loss on their balance sheet. EVEN IN A PROFITABLE COMPANY this means bonuses get a bit lighter for the folks on top.

2. Quiet layoffs: if they can make a change that will force parents, distant workers and others to resign - that doesn’t look like a layoff on their balance sheet. Does it vastly discriminate against single moms and people with less family wealth? Sure. Is that racism with extra steps? Sure. But that’s fine. We can interrupt people in person!

3. Middle Management Failings: the incompetence and impotence of middle management has never been more obvious than the vast improvements in output that happened when they were no longer part of the equation with WFH. And once again, you can quiet lay off brown moms every day of the Shark Week, but try to fire middle management and you’ve got a lawsuit on your hands buddy.

RTO is a lie by liars and what comes next will be the scramble to invent proof of decreased productivity from home. But don’t pretend for a second that these racist liars aren’t ready to put their racist lying sleaze hands on the scale to make their points. They’ve already started.

То есть, несомненно, возможность всех заставить ходить на работу принесет выгоду владельцам бизнеса, но явно не на пользу сотрудникам, особенно у кого есть множестве личных дел. В мое случае ходить в офисе звучит как "зашквар", что-то из далекого прошлого. В любом случае не нам выбирать, где работать - дома или в офисе, кто платит, тот и музыку заказывает.

А как у вас настрой с удаленной работой и возвращение в офис? А может быть вы уже вернулись?