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Rise and Shine with Michaela

Логотип телеграм канала @riseandshinewithmichaela — Rise and Shine with Michaela R
Логотип телеграм канала @riseandshinewithmichaela — Rise and Shine with Michaela
Адрес канала: @riseandshinewithmichaela
Категории: Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 10
Описание канала:

Please feel free to join myself and others 3 days a week, to start off your mornings!
-Self Development
-Your To Do list
-Wake up your chats
-Business check ins
-Social Media planning

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Последние сообщения

2022-05-18 19:21:44 Hi everyone!! I’ve been thinking long and hard about this decision but I have finally made the decision that I am no longer going to continue the 6 AM calls :(
I highly encourage you guys to just be disciplined enough to get up and do it for yourself because I will definitely still be doing the routine every morning at six but I’m just not going to publicize it anymore or lead the calls for anyone anymore.
I hope y’all understand but I just have to make the decision for what’s right for me and my environment right now and so I’ve made the decision not to continue with these calls!
21 viewsMichaela Hollis, 16:21
2022-05-16 15:31:44 Hi everyone good morning I don’t feel good at all and I’m going to try to get some more rest today! I hope you all have the best Monday!!
24 viewsMichaela Hollis, 12:31
2022-05-11 15:43:53 Rise and shine
33 viewsMichaela Hollis, 12:43
2022-05-11 15:43:48
34 viewsMichaela Hollis, 12:43
2022-05-09 02:19:14 Hi!!! I can’t wait to start back this week with you ladies!!! See y’all tomorrow

Here is this link for every Rise + Shine call MWF mornings at 6am pst !!
ID: 823 6627 8691
pass: 222
31 viewsMichaela Hollis, 23:19
2022-05-01 23:10:37 Good afternoon !!! I wanted to let y’all know that I won’t be running these calls all next week with all the traveling and time zone changes I’ll be in! I hope y’all still keep up the routine and wake up at 6 for yourselves see y’all next week!
38 viewsMichaela Hollis, 20:10
2022-04-29 15:47:59
Good morning!! See y’all in 13 mins
40 viewsMichaela Hollis, 12:47
2022-04-25 15:47:41 Good morning :) see y’all in 10 mins
35 viewsMichaela Hollis, 12:47
2022-04-22 15:45:14
good morning
45 viewsMichaela Hollis, 12:45
2022-04-22 05:28:55 See y’all in the morning !!
35 viewsMichaela Hollis, 02:28