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The Fed won't leave it long before cutting rates again Financi | РАНТЬЕ

The Fed won't leave it long before cutting rates again Financial markets are already pricing in rate cuts in 2024, but we suspect that they could come sooner. The average period of time between the last Fed hike in a cycle and the first rate cut has only been 7-8 months over the past 50 years. A rate hike peak in the first quarter of 2023
would typically suggest rate cuts in the fourth quarter of 2023 and that is what we are forecasting as seen in the top chart. It suggests that the Fed’s aspiration of shrinking the balance sheet may come to a halt late next year too. James Knightley
Chief International Economist ING

На картинке график изменения ставки ФРС. Рынки уже оценивают вероятность снижения ставки в 2024 году. На графике отмечены периоды в месяцах с момента последнего повышения до первого снижения ставки ФРС.

@rentierru, канал "РАНТЬЕ". Честно и экспертно о Private Wealth.
