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How this magic number 7 ± 2 helps us in life There are superp | Reception Psychologist

How this magic number 7 ± 2 helps us in life

There are superpowers when a person remembers large blocks of information, numbers, words.
Of course, you can train it and you will be more effective. No Alzheimer's in old age, because it is the short-term memory that shuts down in this disease.

If you group information and help your brain, it will help you.
You intuitively do this, encode it to remember: numbers as years or timelines, words as images.
You can increase your short-term memory by combining items into blocks.

By the way, one of the principles of successful and easy language learning is not to memorize words but to combine them in a sentence. Seven sentences the brain holds and seven sentences are more efficient than nine words.

Check off these blocks of 7 plus/minus 2 for everything you plan.
A to-do list for the day, a list of books and a shopping plan. Birthday guests, psychology group, poems with baby ....

The principle is simple, and you will be able to memorise and manage much more.