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About children, parents and their self-worth Children instant | Reception Psychologist

About children, parents and their self-worth

Children instantly read the behaviour of adults.

If the adults who are important to them behave in a certain way, the child will also use this model. There is no point in telling a child to read a book if you don't do it yourself.

With self-esteem this scheme also works. You can say every morning, "You are the smartest, the most beautiful and the strongest," but if a parent behaves like an incompetent victim, the child will repeat his behavior.

Why does it work this way and not that way? Let me explain.

"The world is safe", "you can trust the world", "you can openly express yourself", "you can be yourself" these are the basic lessons a child ideally receives from his parents.

It's important for them to see that they have a strong adult in front of them who
can protect him
can protect himself

An insecure parent undermines the child's confidence. Their behavior makes the child feel unprotected, as if no one can stand up for them.