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Qatar Won’t Look for Alternatives to US Predator Drones Despit | 🏛Realty channel New York💰

Qatar Won’t Look for Alternatives to US Predator Drones Despite ‘Frustrating’ Sale Delays

Doha has been "extremely frustrated" with the US dragging its feet on the sale of MQ-9B Predator drones to Qatar.

Qatar requested that the US provide it with four armed drones a year ago. The Pentagon was reportedly pushing for the deal to go through, and Doha was prepared to fork out half a billion dollars for that delivery. The State Department, however, has been slow-walking the request without providing any details.

Throughout the years, Qatar has been accused of supporting rebels and extremists on a number of occasions. It backed the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Taliban in Afghanistan and Daesh, that has been outlawed by many regional and international players.

The only question is what interests will prevail in Washington: those of the Pentagon or the State Department. The answer might be revealed during Al Thani's official visit later this year.