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Piratical Product Management

Логотип телеграм канала @piraticalpm — Piratical Product Management P
Логотип телеграм канала @piraticalpm — Piratical Product Management
Адрес канала: @piraticalpm
Категории: Блоги
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 168
Описание канала:

Startups & Product management, Philosophy, Logic & Magic.
No corporate bullshit, HR's, or questions by the CEO. Radical Condor AGGGRH!!!
Contacts: @mirvla, c-f Meteoagent.com.

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Последние сообщения 2

2022-09-14 11:49:41 If you want to predict future technologies, research technologies from the past.
85 views08:49
2022-09-12 15:09:06
Hi, pirates! Here is How to Hire a Good Product Manager (free, 3 min read)
106 viewsedited  12:09
2022-09-12 14:55:49 #exp Hi, pirates! Here is How to Quickly Prioritize your personal pirate tasks

To quickly prioritize your personal tasks, look at them and evaluate them against several criteria, which can be prioritized as required by the current needs in life/work/product.

For me, I currently use these questions:

1) Does this task help you achieve your current goals?
2) Do the actions of other team members depend on the solution to your task?
3) Does this task have a quick or long solution?

By answering each of them, you will become more clear about the priority and order of tasks, which will help you plan your personal task queue.
108 viewsedited  11:55
2022-09-12 14:47:01 #exp The Metric Unexpectedly Dropped by ___%. Here is what to do:

The answers to these questions will help to understand the causal relationship and deal with the problem:

1) Importance: does this metric matter?
2) Time frame: over what time period has this metric changed?
3) Dispersion: is this fluctuation normal?
4) Equation: what equation leads to this metric?
5) Indicator: which metric has changed?
6) Reason-hypothesis: why could this metric change?
102 viewsedited  11:47
2022-09-12 14:33:33 #PMphilosophy “Patience + urgency” is the most difficult balance to find in product management.

The solution is concentration and impeccability.

Impeccability is doing the perfect as you can in everything you are involved in.

Impeccability begins with one action, which must be purposeful, precise, and carried out with relentlessness.

By repeating such an action long enough, a person acquires an inflexible intention that can be applied to anything.

Once the intention is reached, the way is clear! Each further step will entail the next, and so it will be until the full potential is realized.
90 views11:33
2022-09-12 14:12:04
#tools #exp I'm a product manager, but I love to analyze... SEO.

God, how much valuable information possible give you Google's search algorithms and real users.. for free!

The main hack is that you can analyze the search keywords that current and related users search for find you. So, you can understand their OTHER problems and needs (including those that your product have not covered yet).

Mini-cusdev + the ability to test the solution in different ways:

– Question: What is your problem?
– Answer: [search keyword]
– Solution: [Page]

On the screen - a long tail of low-frequency keywords that intersect with our product does.

SEO (and any conversion from it) is also sobering and gives an understanding of whether you are covering their needs at all :)

And yes, in the work of an SEO specialist, as well as in the work of a product manager, portraits of users and CJM are also used.

And how latest have you been talking with your SEO specialist?
97 viewsedited  11:12
2021-05-24 12:55:21 Hi, this is The Pirate Product Management

We are the team of pirates product managers around the world, who create and grow high-quality products.

What we talking about: PM's experience & product launch/growth cases. No corporate bullshit, HRs, or questions by the CEO. Radical Condor rules, AGGRHH!

Welcome to High Product!

P.S. “It’s more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy.” (c) Steve Jobs
5.5K viewsedited  09:55