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Pierre Kory, MD MPA FLCCC official

Логотип телеграм канала @pierrekoryflcccofficial — Pierre Kory, MD MPA FLCCC official P
Логотип телеграм канала @pierrekoryflcccofficial — Pierre Kory, MD MPA FLCCC official
Адрес канала: @pierrekoryflcccofficial
Категории: Медицина
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 18.06K
Описание канала:

ICU & Lung Doc, Teacher/Researcher. Co-Developer of effective, evidence/expertise-based COVID Rx protocols with the giants of the FLCCC:http://flccc.net

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Последние сообщения 55

2022-09-15 23:14:44 In case you missed yesterday's webinar, it was an incredible one - Dr. Paul Marik shared his personal story of curing himself from diabetes, and he was joined by Dr. @joevaron for an exciting and information-packed hour! Watch now: https://t.co/MZgq26Pl3S https://t.co/xzA0Ct63OS
— FLCCC—Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (@Covid19Critical) Sep 15, 2022
3.9K views20:14
2022-09-15 01:59:39 And another even more damning one from "Scoops McGoo" (I wish I had thought of that name).

Public Health Agency of Canada emails re Ivermectin (#2). https://scoopsmcgoo.substack.com/p/phac-emails-re-ivermectin-2?r=iutjw&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
5.2K views22:59
2022-09-15 01:58:18 They knew. Shocker.

Ivermectin emails inside Public Health Agency of Canada. https://scoopsmcgoo.substack.com/p/ivermectin-emails-from-the-public?r=iutjw&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
6.3K views22:58
2022-09-15 01:57:20 The Grey Wolf’s Walk Across America for Freedom has him traversing Utah at the moment, picking up more and more media attention too. Please support his effort: https://greywolfwalk.com/uncategorized/wake-up-in-the-usa-from-senate-meeting-in-march/
4.8K views22:57
2022-09-13 23:57:41 OCTOBER 7-8, 2022: Your Health Freedom Symposium with Del Bigtree; Dr. Pierre Kory; Mary Holland; CHD President; Jim Moody, JD; and more! https://myemail.constantcontact.com/OCTOBER-7-8--2022--Your-Health-Freedom-Symposium-with-Del-Bigtree--Dr--Pierre-Kory--Mary-Holland--CHD-President--Jim-Moody--JD--.html?soid=1137349291486&aid=VTPXvH4Eups
5.4K views20:57
2022-09-13 06:13:43 Peter - I too am plagued by bots, impersonators, and Twitter throttles. The enemy of propagandists are truth tellers. They HAVE to come after us to support their ongoing lies about well, everything really; lab origin, jab lethality, efficacy of HCQ/IVM etc. They will never stop. https://twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD/status/1569142822971785218
6.0K views03:13
2022-09-12 04:13:52 Fascinating that what we have known for a long time will now be published in a peer reviewed journal. We have always maintained that the truth will come out eventually. Someway and somehow. And here it is. https://twitter.com/hkakeya/status/1566759417609322496?s=20&t=VjVo8HSTSftJug_rUqLH2Q
7.6K views01:13
2022-09-11 16:05:21 What I’ve Been Reading Lately...

I have been meaning to share with you a brief selection of some of the people I follow on Substack. There is so much good writing, deep thinking and thorough research to be found there, free from the threat of censorship.

Here are just a few suggestions for you, in no particular order:

Dr Pierre Kory

Pierre has written two excellent pieces on scientific censorship:
The Historic Suppression of Scientific Debate in COVID |
Part 1, Part 2

Alexandros Marinos

A data analyst, Alexandros has long been in the trenches picking apart the bad science employed to rubbish ivermectin. His latest finding is so shocking, even he can barely believe it.

Jessica Rose

Another warrior, Jessica combines dazzling expertise and intellect with a tender heart and infinite compassion. When we spoke a few weeks ago, she shared how she receives hundreds of messages from vaccine-injured and concerned people every day. In this moving post, she shares one of them.

Phil Harper

Phil is a documentary producer, director, and also one of the brilliant Substackers prepared to roll up his sleeves and delve into the data. As an investigative journalist, he has been exposing the skullduggery behind the attempts to discredit ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19. Do read his coverage on this topic, as well as this most recent post which suggests that the truth about the mRNA vaccines and the failure of regulatory bodies in approving them may finally be hitting the mainstream.

Igor Chudov

Igor’s Substack is always incisive, and witty, and this particular post is timely, given the recent approval of the new bivalent booster following testing on eight mice.

Robert Malone, MD

I don’t think I need to introduce Robert to you all: as a champion of a Better Way, I particularly enjoy his Well-Being series, which covers all kinds of areas, from heart health to homeschooling. Here’s his latest on exercise.

There are so many excellent writers but this would become an overwhelmingly long post if I tried to include them all.

Join me tonight for some light relief

World Council for Health is doing a live film screening of ‘Brilliantly Difficult’ followed by a live Q&A with cartoonist Bob Moran, filmmaker Keith Craig and myself.

I hope you can join us!

Follow Me:
829 views13:05
2022-09-10 03:58:55 I can’t think of any more important public health issue right now than driving awareness of the (non) safety of these vaccines. Please join. Get educated. Your life depends on it. https://rumble.com/v1eet1h-third-annual-vaccine-safety-awareness-marathon-trailer.html
3.8K views00:58
2022-09-10 03:56:56 ust heard a new one from a friend who is a PA. He told a mentee of his to look up http://flccc.net's vaccine injury treatment guide... but he couldn't because the PA school had blocked access to the site. Yup.
3.7K views00:56