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What a week! From an incredible webinar 'Restoring the Patient | Pierre Kory, MD MPA FLCCC official

What a week! From an incredible webinar 'Restoring the Patient-Doctor Relationship' with Dr. Pierre Kory and special guest Dr. Kat Lindley to news that Dr. Paul Marik received the 'Humanitarian Physician of the Year Award' from Priority Health Academy, to new episodes, interviews, patient and physician testimonials and more... catch up now with latest News Capsule on our FLCCC Substack: https://geni.us/July16-NewsCapsule

#FLCCC #FLCCCAlliance #FLCCCNewsCapsule #DrPierreKory #DrPaulMarik #DrBeen #DrLizMumper #DrKatLindley #WorldCouncilForHealth #WCH #COVID #COVID19 #clotting #informedconsent