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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™

Логотип телеграм канала @petermcculloughmd — Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™ P
Логотип телеграм канала @petermcculloughmd — Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™
Адрес канала: @petermcculloughmd
Категории: Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 3.17K
Описание канала:

Physician, author, news commenator, pandemic response, civil liberties, and path forward.

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Последние сообщения 29

2022-07-13 00:20:39 http://boldblunt.radio.washingtontimes.com/website/covid-19-conspiracies-to-steal-american-liberties

The biopharmaceutical complex has been busily using the fear generated by the coronavirus to steal away individual liberties for over two years, and truthfully with no intention to stop. With a feckless president in the White House, who just oddly expanded the emergency order of the coronavirus that had justified clamping individual liberties for two years, and the ongoing press of global bureaucrats to reshape and reset world economies and political systems, the fate of America looks dark -- unless citizens both see the battle and engage. Part of the problem is the vaccines have proven so lucrative to many of those who have been anointed as experts on COVID-19. Where is the media on watchdogging conflicts of interest? It's scandalous that the very people and players pushing for mass vaccination, and mass vaccination only, are the very people and players who gain financially from mass vaccinations. That's normally called a conflict of interest. Peter McCullough, a medical expert who's co-written "The Courage to Face COVID-19" about some of these curious and incestuous partnerships between Big Pharma and politicians, weighs in and exposes some of the worst conspiratorial conflicts.
11.3K views21:20
2022-07-12 21:58:17
In safety analyses, temporal relationship is strong criteria for causality. Pattern strongly suggests the administered medical product caused the fatal event. Public understands readily. Baseline healthy, reluctantly takes mandated product--and then boom its over.
12.6K views18:58
2022-07-12 21:29:09
Report https://t.me/PeterMcCullough This is not my account, please help me report it. I do NOT conduct product sales of any kind and I do not promote products that I have not spoken about in interviews. All my official accounts are found in my linktree at www.PeterMcCulloughMD.com. Help me report any other accounts claiming to be me.
11.5K viewsedited  18:29
2022-07-12 19:27:39 https://twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD/status/1546870671371812867?s=20&t=BIldCg1_eUNnHqdGOKfdBg

11.4K views16:27
2022-07-12 18:54:29 https://twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD/status/1546872146672193538?s=20&t=2z9iUis087jUClKZVcMx3Q
11.4K views15:54
2022-07-12 16:11:41 https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/immuno-epidemiologic-ramifications-of-the-c-19-mass-vaccination-experiment-individual-and-global-health-consequences.-1935ddcf
12.8K views13:11
2022-07-12 08:56:08 https://twitter.com/p_mcculloughmd/status/1546256561466757127?s=21&t=fEmh4soJ3D8KLjH9dmOm4A
12.6K views05:56
2022-07-12 08:55:55 https://twitter.com/p_mcculloughmd/status/1546258836188811264?s=21&t=fEmh4soJ3D8KLjH9dmOm4A
11.8K views05:55