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For High Level European Rooftop Bar based in Doha, Qatar we re | 🌏Работа за границей ✈️ Вакансии в ОАЭ, Саудовской Аравии, Катаре, Бахрейне, Кувейте, Турции и на Мальдивах | Personality Agency

For High Level European Rooftop Bar based in Doha, Qatar we really need top class employees

Head Mixologist 6000
Supervisor 3500
Head Hostess 3500
Bartender 2800
Hostess 3000
Waitress 2200
Cashier 2500

For all positions there are good tips and full package with accommodation, 3 meals/per day, transportation and etc.

Please send your CV to @personality_manager