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> The entire “spontaneous collision” theory comes from [the id | on product

> The entire “spontaneous collision” theory comes from [the idea] (...) that people overhearing your conversations and interjecting is something that produces positive outcomes versus distractions. (...) I cannot think of a single scenario where I had something work-related that was improved by someone else hearing my phone call, or my conversation. (…) Am I waiting around hoping that Steve the CS rep will hear me complaining about something and come up with a magical solution?

> I will add that people build their social groups from work. (...) But I feel like this is a social structure that is inherently built to promote capitalism - that work provides us with the means to live fiscally and socially, when there are other means of meeting people, which is why you take up hours and hours of your life commuting. This also assumes that talking to people over Slack and Zoom doesn’t create similar social structures and/or lead to people hanging out after work.

> The ideal hybrid work environment, to me, is difficult to imagine without completely reimagining why we go into the office. If it’s for pragmatic reasons, the visits to the office should be optional and pragmatic - once a month, for a specific reason, for a specific amount of time. If it’s for social reasons…well, maybe socializing is a bad justification for going to work?

> It’s a difficult subject, because there’re some who simply like going to work and being there. (...) I think that the nature of the pandemic meant that people returning to the office now are doing so out of a relief that “it’s over,” without a consideration on the executive level of the lessons learned from letting people work from home.

Чувствуется, что у автора эмоция, но аргументы интересные (люблю разговаривать с людьми в офисах!)