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THE GREAT EUCHRE BOOM By Charles Fleming Embree Read 12 mins | Story. Рассказы на английском

THE GREAT EUCHRE BOOM By Charles Fleming Embree

Read 12 mins

The Great Euchre Boom is a short story by Charles Fleming Embree, published in 1902. It tells the humorous tale of how a group of American tourists in Mexico City became obsessed with playing euchre, a card game, and how their passion for the game led them to neglect their sightseeing, their health, and their manners.

Charles Fleming Embree (1874-1905) was an American novelist and short story writer. He was born in Princeton, Indiana, and attended Wabash College for three years. He left college to pursue a career in writing, and achieved success with his first book, For the Love of Tonita, and Other Tales of the Mesas (1897), a collection of stories set in New Mexico. He married Virginia Broadwell in 1898 and moved to Mexico, where he lived for two years. He wrote two novels based on his experiences in Mexico: A Dream of a Throne, the Story of a Mexican Revolt (1900) and A Heart of Flame: The Story of a Master Passion (1901). He also wrote several short stories for McClure’s Magazine. He died of tuberculosis at the age of 30 in Santa Ana, California.

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