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# Bonus Chapter: How to Create a Tagging System That Works | T | Obsidian Hub

# Bonus Chapter: How to Create a Tagging System That Works | Tiago Forte

wrote this book to give you a new way to think about the knowledge that matters to you. It’s designed to give anyone a path to create — and benefit from — a Second Brain and provides an introduction to the fascinating world of personal knowledge management.

The practice begins and ends with notetaking — including capturing, organizing, distilling, and expressing information, ideas, and packets of work. The specific techniques in the CODE chapters are the best place to get started. However, one of the most common questions I receive is about the advanced skill of tagging.

I’ve compiled a bonus chapter on how to create a tagging system for your Second Brain following the principle of actionability. Although not essential for getting started, tags do provide an extra layer of organization that can be useful as your knowledge collection grows.

#book #pdf #TiagoForte #BASB