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2022-05-16 20:55:43 https://t.me/NewYorkTruckDrivers
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2022-05-15 16:28:14
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87 views13:28
2022-05-15 12:35:24
Легкомоторный самолёт потерпел крушение на мосту в Майами

В результате падения самолета пострадал автомобиль, который двигался по мосту. Два человека получили ожоги и были госпитализированы.

Light aircraft crashed on a bridge in Miami

The plane crash injured a vehicle that was traveling on the bridge. Two people suffered burns and were hospitalized.
48 views09:35
2022-05-15 11:43:18 https://t.me/florida_reklama
42 views08:43
2022-05-14 23:35:48 BUFFALO, N.Y. — At least eight people were killed in a shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, law enforcement officials told The Associated Press.

Earlier Saturday afternoon, Buffalo police said that the alleged shooter was in custody.

The two officials were not permitted to speak publicly on the matter and did so on the condition of anonymity, the AP reported.

Details on the total number of people shot at the Tops Friendly Market and their conditions weren't immediately available, and the suspect has not been identified.

Police closed off the block, lined by spectators, and yellow police taped surrounded the full parking lot. Mayor Byron Brown was at the scene late Saturday afternoon and expected to address the media.

I am closely monitoring the shooting at a grocery store in Buffalo. We have offered assistance to local officials. If you are in Buffalo, please avoid the area and follow guidance from law enforcement and local officials.

— Governor Kathy Hochul (@GovKathyHochul) May 14, 2022
Gov. Kathy Hochul tweeted that she was "closely monitoring the shooting at a grocery store in Buffalo," her hometown. She said state officials have offered help to local authorities.

The Erie County Sheriff's Office said on social media that it ordered all available personnel to assist Buffalo police.
56 views20:35
2022-05-14 23:35:40
51 views20:35
2022-05-14 23:08:28 Employees of the Russian embassy in the United States receive threats, up to and including physical reprisals, and U.S. intelligence officers walk around the diplomatic mission trying to recruit them, said Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov.
He compared the Russian mission to a besieged fortress.
"Basically, our embassy is operating in a hostile environment... Threats, including physical violence, are coming to my comrades, embassy employees. And figures of the U.S. intelligence services flit around the Russian embassy, handing out FBI and CIA phone numbers to call to establish cooperation," Antonov said on "Solovyov Live."
1.1K views20:08
2022-05-14 21:41:17
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2022-05-14 19:33:03
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