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Important Announcement: Attention All NumGenius AI Members Su | NumGenius AI

Important Announcement: Attention All NumGenius AI Members

Subject: Urgent Update on Withdrawals and Account Security

Dear Valued Members,

We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to address a significant concern that has come to our attention. Recently, we have noted an influx of reports from many of you regarding issues with withdrawals not being received as expected.

Incident Overview:

Amidst our celebration of India's 75th Republic Day and a notable surge in user numbers, we have identified a potential security compromise. It appears that there may have been an unauthorized intrusion into our systems, resulting in the member's bank account information for withdrawals being tampered with. This breach may have affected the secure transfer of funds.

Immediate Action Taken:

Emergency Suspension of Withdrawals: In response to this situation, we have implemented an emergency plan which includes the temporary suspension of all withdrawals. This action is a precautionary measure to prevent any further unauthorized transactions.

Return of Funds: All withdrawal requests have been halted, and the funds have been securely returned to your NumGenius AI balance wallet.

Check Request: We urge all members to log into their accounts and carefully review their bank account information associated with withdrawals. Please ensure that all details are accurate and have not been altered.

Next Steps and Member Support:

Enhanced Security Measures: Our technical team is working diligently to strengthen our security infrastructure and to investigate the extent of this issue. Rest assured, we are taking all necessary steps to safeguard your accounts and personal information.

Member Support: We understand that this situation may cause inconvenience and concern. Our customer support team is on standby to assist with any queries or issues you may face. Please do not hesitate to reach out for support or clarification.

Updates and Communication: We will keep you informed with regular updates as we work through this situation. Please look out for official communications from our team for accurate information.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and concern this situation may have caused. Your trust and security are our top priorities, and we are committed to resolving this matter swiftly and transparently.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate through this challenging time. We value your membership and are dedicated to restoring normal operations as soon as possible.

Warm regards,

NumGenius AI Team