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Сейчас многие мои друзья и знакомые покидают компанию Arrival. | Now How Channel

Сейчас многие мои друзья и знакомые покидают компанию Arrival. Я хочу поделиться с вами цитатой Артема Тарадаша, одного из глав дизайна в Arrival

20 of February was my last day at Arrival. So much passion and love went into this company, and it was incredible to have all these incredibly talented professionals by my side for 3 years. Together as the community, we built the best in the world approach to designing something new. Never creating alone was and will remain the main principle of the designers around me. It was an enormous pleasure to see how we thought about users, drivers, cities, and humanity in general.

I want to thank everyone who was alongside me: all of you are remarkable great visioners and talented persons. I hope that I will have a chance to work with all of you in the future.

От себя — возможно это лучшее портфолио дизайн-команды, которое я видел.

The Departure (Arrival) Gallery — https://tdg.togetherwithyou.co