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Еще нфтшка от Whitebit совместно с WOO network Пока нфт нич | NFTLAB

Еще нфтшка от Whitebit совместно с WOO network

Пока нфт ничего не стоят,но вроде в будущем, соберем все нфт, и будет нам какой-то подгон от вайтбитов

Те же действия

- Регистрируемся на WHITEBIT

-Проходим КВИЗ

-Забирать Нфт ЗДЕСЬ

Ответы :
1.A database and a history of transactions, that is, their transmission, recorded in a digital ledger using a cryptographic code in the public domain
2.Your Web 2.0 identity = your e-mail address
3.Jack Dorsey
4.Web 3.0 has a high degree of personalization — from design to work with it
6.In 1999
7.DAO has its fund for the idea implementation, as well as digital assets that participants receive as a reward for specific actions
8.Smart contracts
9.Web 1.0
10.More than ten years