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Отличная статья о том, как относится к советам в ИТ. Чем более | Бесконечное ИТ

Отличная статья о том, как относится к советам в ИТ. Чем более общий совет вам дают, тем больше вопросов вы должны спросить у советующего и тем более настороженно следует отнестись к этому совету.

Software development is full of confident forecasters. We are a pretty new field, and yet everyone seems so sure that they have the best solution to whatever problem is at hand. I’d like to hear more people saying things like, “in this specific context, test-coverage seem like an important metric,” or “StopLang is great if you can afford the GC, but if you can’t, then you should look at IronOre.” A great tool is not a universal tool it’s a tool well suited to a specific problem.

The more universal a solution someone claims to have to whatever software engineering problem exists, and the more confident they are that it is a fully generalized solution, the more you should question them. The more specific and contingent the advice - the more someone says ‘it depends’ or ‘YourSQL works well in a read-heavy context with the following constraints’ the more likely they are to be leading you in the right direction. At least that’s what I have found.
