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Ребят, интересная вакансия для знающих английский язык. | Вакансии для нарративщиков

Ребят, интересная вакансия для знающих английский язык. Ищут игровых сценаристов/нарративщиков в дейтсимы сингапурской компании
Описании ниже:
Singaporean company Loveverse is looking for game writers/narrators in the datesims. Description below:
The game is called Loveverse. It is an App that simulates social media to make friends. We are looking for writers to create an attractive love interest and simulate his/her conversation with MC(As for player).
It is mostly in dialogues between Love interest and MC but dating can be arranged when it's necessary. We want you to create a worth chasing and charming character for the readers. All based on a full romance story.
Contacts: Simon Liao, Interactive Story Games Editor (Singapore)