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Логотип телеграм канала @mynamelk — mynamelk M
Логотип телеграм канала @mynamelk — mynamelk
Адрес канала: @mynamelk
Категории: Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 452

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Последние сообщения

2022-03-13 15:00:20 I just want to check how many people here speak russian, so I know if I need to translate my texts here. If you don’t speak it - please, don’t leave reaction on this message

Хочу проверить, есть ли здесь русскоговорящие и сколько, чтобы знать делать ли такие переводы моих текстов в дальнейшем. Поставь реакцию, если тебе проще читать с переводом на русский! (:
1.0K views12:00
2022-03-11 21:22:34
And of course, updates!

My husband, Aggie and I are save and doing well now, we saved some money and it’s going to be enough to live without any income for about 3 months, and we will totally figure out new income sources in these months. It’s not like we ever were rich and suddenly lost everything, so this kind of situation isn’t scary for us Here they are
1.2K viewsedited  18:22
2022-03-11 21:11:21 So, what are the news for now?

As a Russian resident I can’t get any payments from EU or US anymore (at least with all the ways I get used to, like PayPal), so I’m searching for other options now, will probably need to create a website and sell my E-Guide this way, with another payment methods If I’ll find any (I believe I can figure it out eventually) because Gumroad can only send the payments via PayPal, and as I already mentioned - it doesn’t work anymore.

What’s with Instagram - Russia blocks it tomorrow officially, but we all know there’s a lot of VPNs and probably (hopefully) it won’t be a problem and we can still use it. But still, informing you about it here, since you may follow me or other artists from Russia and may want to know how’s it going and what to expect.

It’s just some hard times we all are gonna get through.

If you’re from Ukraine - please, stay safe and know there are a lot of people here who pray for peace in Ukraine and do what they can do

If you’re from Russia - please, stay safe and try to not get offended if you see any hate towards Russians or you personally, save your mental health, try to understand what’s the people in Ukraine are going through right now. Please, don’t respond with hate, even if you feel injustice or deep offence, if you get into an argument - it’s always feels even worse for everyone. I personally made a choice to isolate myself from all the social media for a while, and it really helps.
961 views18:11
2022-02-25 23:51:48 Hey there, guys! Here I will keep you updated about the whole situation
1.2K views20:51