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Mr. Fredox Channel

Логотип телеграм канала @mrfredox — Mr. Fredox Channel M
Логотип телеграм канала @mrfredox — Mr. Fredox Channel
Адрес канала: @mrfredox
Категории: Лингвистика
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 646
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😜Ношу английский и французский как родной
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Последние сообщения 2

2022-08-01 13:05:16
Всем привет , вот немного body language в офисе

1. Folded arms or crossed arms = with your arms across
your chest. This can imply disagreement, displeasure or distance.
2. Palms up = with your palms facing upwards to show you’re open and ready to listen. Palms down communicates firmness and decisiveness.
3. Drum your fingers = to create a rhythm with your fingers, often because you’re bored or nervous.
4. Slouch = to sit in a very relaxed position in a chair, with your body far back in the chair.
5. Fiddle = if you “fiddle” with something (such as a pen, your hair, etc.) you use your fingers to play with it or move it about.
6. Lean in = to move your body forwards and towards another person to show you’re interested and listening. The opposite (to lean back) communicates anger, displeasure, a lack of interest, etc.
7. Nod your head = to move your head up and down as a way of saying yes or to show agreement. The opposite is to shake your head (to move it from side to side as a
way of saying no or to show disagreement).
8. Fidget = to move about a lot, which shows that you’re bored, nervous, uncomfortable, etc.
9. Maintain eye contact = to look at the person who is speaking, or the person you’re talking to. Not doing this, or looking away could communicate disinterest, boredom, disagreement, etc.
188 views10:05
2022-07-29 10:54:54
Our first raspberry is here! It's huge and yellow, is that ok?
229 viewsedited  07:54