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#lookfor #outstaff #PHP Шукаємо SENIOR PHP developer 5+ y | IT Outsourcing leads

#lookfor #outstaff #PHP

Шукаємо SENIOR PHP developer

5+ years with PHP
3+ years with Laravel

English Upper-Intermediate

Tech stack:
PHP monolit with Micro services in Node js, new services in PHP Laravel
Programming languages: PHP, Laravel, NodeJS, Typescript
Database technologies: Mysql, DynamoDB
Infrastructure: AWS (ECS, RDS, EventBridge, SQS, SAM, Terraform), Linux, EventStore.
Architecture: Microservices, event-driven

The project is a financial platform and the position is an extension of the existing development team.

Duration: start 5th of September till December

Сіві надсилати @juliaalie

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