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I've taken the Giving What We Can pledge to donate at least 10 | Mikhail Samin

I've taken the Giving What We Can pledge to donate at least 10% of my income for the rest of my life or until I retire to the organizations that can use it most effectively to improve the lives of others.

We live in a world so broken that not only do suffering and deaths exist, but it costs only $5000 to save an invaluable life; a world about to lose its unimaginably vast and valuable potential future, with almost no effort made towards safeguarding it.

Individual donations are likely insufficient to fix this. One can make much more impact by directly working on the world's most pressing problems (see 80,000 Hours). Still, donations can save lives, reduce suffering, and, at least marginally, improve humanity's chances.

I'm incredibly privileged to have been able in the last couple of years to donate more than $72k to the charities I believe can do the most good. (>$50k, including $20k donated today, to MIRI and the rest mainly to GiveWell recommended orgs).

I intend to continue donating and doing the work that I find the most impactful to focus on. Taking that pledge doesn't change my future actions much, but perhaps it might encourage more people to consider doing more good with the resources they have.

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