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­ Опубликован список изменений Minecraft 1.19.1 Pre-Release 1 | MinecraftMain.Ru

­ Опубликован список изменений Minecraft 1.19.1 Pre-Release 1:
The first pre-release for 1.19.1 is now available. This release contains a few bugfixes, an increased cooldown for Allay duplication, and it also contains a new UI if you have been banned for violating the Minecraft Community Standards. On the topic of community standards and the recent introduction of the chat reporting feature, we’re working on creating a help article that aims to add some context surrounding the functionality. All of this said, if everything goes as planned, we plan to release the update next Tuesday on June 28th.
• Allay duplication now has a 5-minute cooldown
• Along with the support for reporting chat, reported players can now be banned from online play and Realms after moderator review
• The game will show a notice screen on startup if you have been banned from online play The reason for the ban is shown as well as how long the ban is valid for
• The reason for the ban is shown as well as how long the ban is valid for