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Mind power⚡️

Логотип телеграм канала @mind_power_tg — Mind power⚡️ M
Логотип телеграм канала @mind_power_tg — Mind power⚡️
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This channel helps you to use all benefits of your mind.⚡️
Power up you mind here!
Admin @vikatom

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Последние сообщения 2

2022-02-13 10:07:00 ​In medicine, a placebo is something that appears as genuine medical treatment but is, in fact, fake. However, the patient often feels better by taking the ‘fake’ medicine even though it might not have any real medicinal effect. It simply means that, like our bodies, we can get anything done if we choose to believe it.

Your mind is the greatest POWER
2.5K views07:07
2022-02-12 15:02:00 ​Size of information matters
We want to know and learn different things but only a little bit at a time. It is easier for us to process and remember bite-sized chunks of information. We can easily remember 3-4 pieces of material at any given time and anything more than that will be lost. However, if the size of information is smaller than that, then we will crave more.

Your mind is the greatest POWER
2.6K views12:02
2022-02-12 10:07:00 ​We tend to strongly hold on to our beliefs and principles especially when someone challenges them as our beliefs are a part of our identity. The backfire effect can make us defend our beliefs strongly when we are confronted with attitude-inconsistent evidence and facts.

We protect our collection of beliefs from harm in a subconscious and instinctive way and reject that evidence to strengthen our original stance. It simply means that trying to prove that people are wrong is ineffective and can backfire.

Your mind is the greatest POWER
2.4K views07:07
2022-02-11 15:02:00 ​Google Effect
Also known as digital amnesia, it is a mental tendency to not remember or forget facts, data and others that can be found easily through online search engines, such as Google or Bing. As the information can be accessed readily, we do not prefer storing the information in our memory. This effect was first reported in a 2011 study where the researchers explained that “The Internet has become a primary form of external or transactive memory, where information is stored collectively outside ourselves.” The study found that when solving difficult problems, we are “primed” to consider “Google” and when we know we can easily access the information in future, we are less likely to recall the information itself and more likely to recall where to access it instead.

However, this does not mean that our ability to learn and retain information offline is affected. The Google effect is more about the kind of information and level of detail we believe to be important enough to remember. Regardless, it can create an unnecessary dependency on technology which may negatively affect our intelligence and memory.

Your mind is the greatest POWER
2.3K views12:02
2022-02-11 10:07:00 ​Our first judgment about something or someone affects our consequential decisions and judgment in every way related to it. Anchoring is the reason why the first impression someone leaves on us is the strongest.

Anchoring, also known as focalism, is used in psychology to explain our basic tendency to heavily rely on a particular piece of information or trait when making any decisions. This is why you must be careful when purchasing something expensive as we tend to believe if something is expensive it is of high quality.

Your mind is the greatest POWER
2.1K views07:07
2022-02-10 15:02:00 ​Birthday-Number Effect
Do you prefer the number of your own birthdate over other digits? If yes, then you experience the cognitive bias known as the birthday-number effect. It is a subconscious mental tendency that makes us choose the numbers in our birth date more than any other number. Originally studied by Japanese psychologists Shinobu Kitayama and Mayumi Karasawa in 1997, this is one of the psychological effects that are observed in people across the globe. However, this tendency may be influenced by your personality, gender and age.

As our birthday is fundamentally associated with our sense of self, we tend to prefer the numbers in our birthday. However, individuals who have poor self-esteem, lack self-love or hate themselves may not experience the birthday-number effect. This phenomenon is associated with another similar bias known as the name letter effect, where a person prefers the alphabetical letters in their name, especially initials, and believes that such letters or alphabets are lucky. Such mental tendencies can often affect our real-life decisions.

Your mind is the greatest POWER
2.3K views12:02
2022-02-10 10:07:00 ​Although it’s easy to confuse this with negativity bias, pessimism bias actually refers to the fact that we tend to overestimate the likelihood of our decisions resulting in bad or undesired outcomes. We use pessimism as a defense mechanism to protect ourselves and keep our hopes down as we believe it will help us cope with the likelihood of disappointment.

It is a cognitive bias which makes us exaggerate the possibilities of negative things happening to us.

Your mind is the greatest POWER
2.2K views07:07
2022-02-09 18:15:00 ​Psychological Effect You May Not Know About:
Audience Effect
The audience effect is a form of social facilitation which involves the psychological tendency of an individual to perform better or worse when working in front of other people (an audience) rather than when performing alone. However, this tendency can even be observed when other people are simply present in the environment, instead of only working with them. A 2016 study explains “An audience effect arises when a participant’s behaviour changes because they believe another person is watching them.”

Social facilitation shows that we tend to perform simple tasks with more accuracy and efficiency when we are in front of an audience than alone. Conversely, we may perform poorly and ineffectively when completing a complex task in the presence of an audience than alone. This phenomenon is identified as social inhibition. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), the presence of bystanders can strongly influence behavior, not just in humans but also in different animals like non-human primates, birds, fish etc.

Your mind is the greatest POWER
2.3K views15:15
2022-02-09 10:07:00 ​The concept of negativity effect claims that negative things have a greater and stronger effect on our mental state than positive or neutral things, even though they may be of the same intensity. The pain of loss and rejection influences our mind, thoughts, behavior, and emotions a lot more than fleeting experiences of joy & pleasure.

Negative bias means we process negative stimuli a lot faster and readily than positive stimuli and it leaves a lasting impression on us as well. Negative things influence our thinking more than positive things.

Your mind is the greatest POWER
2.2K views07:07
2022-02-08 21:00:08 ​Mind tricks that affect your perception
Most of us tend to overestimate the possibility of something turning out great. Although having a positive mindset and attitude can be beneficial, often it can affect our decisions and judgments in an adverse manner.

Optimism bias refers to a false belief that your probabilities of facing negative situations and outcomes are lower and your likelihood of getting positive or favorable outcomes are higher comparatively.

Your mind is the greatest POWER
2.2K views18:00